Wodka is the implementation of a genetic algorithm for breeding soda robots. It is designed as platform that allows configuration of the genetic algorithm in an easy and flexible way.
The idea is that wodka provides the infrastructure that is needed to breed soda robots, to allow you focusing on your ideas without having to think about technical details.
Click one of the following links to start an example.
Walking lance, Walking heap, Fast triangles on flat terrain, Pushing triangles
Flying heaps in difficult terrain, Pushing triangles that fail to overcome a very narrow hill,
Wolfgang Wagner
email: wolfgang.wagner@iname.com
sourceforge |
This site is hosted by sourceforge. A great place for open source. |
sodarace | Sodarace is the online olympics pitting human creativity against machine learning in a competition to design robots that race over 2D terrains using the Soda constructor. | |
help forum | If you have any questions concerning wodka you may find the answer here. If you do not find the answer feel free to ask. Stupid questions welcome. | |
discussion forum | Any topic concerning wodka might be discussed here. | |
Project Summary | All about the development of wodka. | |
jjavadoc | Javadoc for the wodka source code. |
Some other projects of mine:
gimage | Genetical images | The artistic branch of wodka. Images are generated by genetic algorithms. The fitnesfunction is your taste. |
vgrid | The vienna grid project | A General purpose java based grid framework. One day wodka will run as distributed application. |
vsoc | Virtual soccer | A project that breeds soccer playing robots for the soccer server simulation league. Uses neuronal nets and genetic algorithms. |
atan | A java interface for the soccer server simulation league. |