Whenever you start any of the wodka applications the first time a wodka directory is generated in your user home directory. Within the wodka directory an admin directory is created that holds a wodka.properties fle. This file will be the main source for configuration for all wodka applications in the future. Detailed infos about the properties can be found in the properties file itself.
To breed your own soda models you you have to start the wodka breeder. You may do this by starting the /bin/breeder.bat file or by using java webstart.
Click the [i] button to show the details of the current genetic algorithm.
Click [new] to generate a new genetic algorithm.
You can configure the following components
After you have generated a genetic algorithm you may save ([save] button) it in order to load the set of attributes at a later time.
Next push the [start] button to begin the breeding process. After about 50 generations you should get some moving models.
If you have any problems please refer to the wodka help forum.
The geno lab application gives you an idea what random models will (can) be generated for the diffrent genotypes. Start geno lab by clicking /lib/genolab.bat or by using webstart
The wodka batch program is a breeder without GUI. You can use it to breed models systematically. E.g. for a scientific project. If you want to use wodka batch refer to the help forum.
The wodka zoo builder prepares the batch results to inspect them. If you want to use it pease ask at the help forum.