you need at least 500Mb memory on your machine. otherwise the generation of images will be boring slow or impossible.
gimage is written in java. so you need a java development environment (version 1.4+) on your machine. if you dont have one you can get one (the only one ? ) from sun.
gimage is a webapplication. you need a webserver to run it. to be exact you need a servlet container. tomcat is a good choose. get it free from the jakarta project.
generating images needs a really good imaging program. gimage uses the gimp. gimage uses version 2.2. do not forget to ensure you have the gtk+ library installed on your computer. have fun using the gimp.
you can download the latest version of gimage from sourceforge.
each version of gimage consists of multiple zip files. | conteains the gimage webapplication. used for voting the images of a generation. | | conteains the gimage painter for generating images. can be installed on a diffrent computer than the webapplication. | | conteains the complete gimage source code. |
for running gimage you need at least the painter and the webapp.
extract the file into any directory of your computer. this is called $painter_home in the following text.
add the url of your gimage web application(s) to the 'Voters' property. you may define multipe voters for one painter. the urls must be seperated by ';' in that case.
open the gimp. add the $painter_home/output directory to the gimps scripts folders. file->preferences->folders->scripts. If the gimp runs on a non gui server you may edit the gimprc file in the configuration directory of the gimp. e.g. /etc/gimp/ on debian.
add the gimp-2.0/bin directory to your systems search path if you cannot call the gimp from a commandline.
the file contains a gimage.war file. deploy it on your webcontainer.
start the server
http://localhost:8080/gimage should open the gimage start page.
to run the system you have to generate an initial random generation using the painter. this can be done by calling 'painter -n'. the result of this will (should) be an 'output' directory containing the image previews and other files that are needed for the voter.
next you may start the webserver to unpack the gimage.war file.
now copy the previously generated 'output' directory into the webapp base directory.
voting should work now
at last you have to start the painter again with the -r option. it will then ask the voter in regular intervals if enough votes where already taken to generate a new generation. if yes it will do so.