

download/installation screenshots
using the voter
using the applets

using the voter

the voter allows you to vote for or aginst a selection of images. the buttons presented have the following meaning.


next page/image
previous page/image
up to the thumbnails view
expands the image to a bigger size
returns to the voters start page
shows this page.


vote minus. that means you do not like the image
vote plus. that means you like the image


uses applets for displaying thumbnails and for voting. should not be used if you have no java plugin for your webbrowser.
uses plain html for voting. should work on any browser.
adds a column to the thumbnails view
sorts the images in a way that equal looking images are next to each other. this function works correct if you have already generted several generation (at least 2) of images. does not lead to reasonable results for the initial generation of a population.
removes one column from the thumbnails view
adds a row to the thumbnails view
removes one row from the thumbnails view

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using the applets

the applets show a thumbnail of every image without additional controls as long as you do not move the mouse over them. if you move the over one of them four buttons pop up. you may now click on one of them using the left mouse button. using applets does not always work. switch to the plain html view in that case.

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the parameters shown on the gimage voter entrance page have the following meaning.

images the number of images of the current populatin. does not change in diffrent generations.
relevant votes the number of relevant votes for the current generation of a populatin. relevant means, if you vote for one image + and then - for the same image these two votes are not relevant as they compensate each other. so the number of relevant votes is not increased by those votes. if the number of relevant votes exeeds half of the population size a new generation will might generated.
generations number of generations
mutation rate the probabillity for mutations to occurre during the building of a new generation.

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